Start Changing | 7 Dares For The New Year

Not to sound cliché, but this year I am making a promise to myself to do things differently! Last year really drained me. Rather than dwell on last year's events, I have decided that I want different energy in and around me. There's a feeling that I desire that is currently eluding me. Therefore, I am committed to actively creating an environment in which I can fully thrive. Something is missing and I desire to feel whole and free.
The biggest lesson I have taken from last year is that your happiness is in your hands alone. Seeking it in validation from external sources is a recipe for disaster, at the very least, feeling unfulfilled. We've all heard the sayings: "If nothing changes, nothing changes.", "If you're not changing it, you're choosing it.", "As above, so below.", etc. Have you really considered what they mean? Basically, you are the architect of the reality you are experiencing. With that in mind, I've decided to be absolutely intentional in creating the world I wish to see and experience.
For starters, I will not agree to take on things with deadlines impossible to keep (though I suspect my interest in new projects will get the better of me). Since so many amazing things grab my attention, I'm easily distracted. If we've ever been in conversation and you heard me say "ooo butterfly" or "look at the sun", you know exactly what I mean. My intention for this new year is to preserve my attention and energy while transcending all my previous experiences and achieving things I haven't even considered. I'm very curious to know where that will lead me (oops... tangent... later). It's a scary thought but exciting at the same time.
Yes, I'm declaring this year will be different, amazing and fulfilling. If you've come through a year filled with routine, heartache, and yearning but you desire life to be different, consider whether it's now time for you to give yourself a stern talking to about creating change for your highest good.
Some questions you could ask are: Are you willing to repeat last year, this year? Last year, did you experience contentment, happiness, success, and new friendships? If yes, Congratulations! You're ahead of the game. Some years are like that, absolutely fabulous, where you wouldn't change things for anything in the world. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.". If your answer is no, ask yourself: How can you change things to get closer to where you would like to be? Do you have a plan in place that will ensure you become successful in your goals? Maybe all you want is to go with the flow and that's okay if deep down that's what you truly want.
Let me ask you this... What if you motivated, challenged, or dared yourself to do and be more? This challenge has nothing to do with the opinions and expectations of others, just you. Always remember, you are only competing against the person you were yesterday. There have been many times when I've dared myself to do things I wouldn't normally do and have never looked back. (Had I not, I would have missed out on a lot!) That's when I push myself to become comfortable with the uncomfortable, for a short while anyway. I didn't say it was easy but it will be worth it.
Anyone can dare themself to achieve greatness and that might just be what's needed to kick-start the New Year. You never know where it can lead you. I've listed 7 Dares to choose from should you opt to motivate and dare yourself into initiating an action designed to change your next 12 months in the most amazing way. They are:
1. Dare yourself to be authentic.
2. Dare yourself to discover the real YOU.
3. Dare yourself to let go of the past.
4. Dare yourself to step out of your comfort zone.
5. Dare yourself to ask more questions on how and why YOU behave as you do.
6. For those on the dating scene - date only those that respect all parts of who you are and accept nothing less.
7. Dare yourself to achieve more.
One or more points above may have resonated with you, in which case, write down your preferred challenge in a journal or diary and keep track of how you are progressing. Include who, what, where, and when you could use external guidance. Consistent updates will enable you to reflect on your journey as you prepare for the New Year next year. The road toward contentment, happiness, and success is often challenging, making it scary yet exciting. That's living!
Your win is that you'll achieve what you set out to do, and you will have done it your way!