Why Am I Seeing Repetitive Numbers? | Angel Numbers
Have you been seeing the same number all over the place? You glance at the clock and catch it again? Maybe you see it on a billboard, a license plate, receipt, address, etc.? Ever wonder what it means? Experts believe these numbers are signs from your life guides or guardian angels, synchronicities with the Universe. Each number sequence carries a unique message and energy. These are known as Angel Numbers.

If you have been following any of my social media presence, I'm sure you have seen me include hashtags with numbers in them in my posts. I'll tell you what the specific sequences mean later. First, I'll explain what angel numbers are and why you keep seeing particular ones.
Angel numbers can be explained per the tenets of Numerology, which upholds the notion that each number is connected to a vibrational energy or frequency that encompasses meaning beyond its numeric value. Angel numbers are not the same as your Life Path Number, which you can get by taking your birthday—month, day, and year—down to one number. For example, a birthdate of July 14, 1992, would take 7, 5 (1 + 4), and 3 (1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 21, followed by 1 + 2) to get a life path number 6 (7 + 5 + 3 = 15, followed by 1 + 5). This part of Numerology can get very detailed, especially as different numbers relate to the zodiac, ruling planets, and more. Angel numbers, on the other hand, serve as a heads-up concerning the spiritual path you are currently on. Think of it as your guardian angel trying to get your attention to tell you that you are doing the right things or that an adjustment needs to be made. Either way, it is for your benefit.
Getting messages and spiritual downloads is not reserved for mediums. We all have a spiritual team supporting us in any way it can. These signs tend to show up at pivotal times of transformation in your life. This transformation will be spiritual, but sometimes it will be material. Just remember that angel numbers are a gentle and loving invitation to build trust in your spiritual connection with the source.
In addition to number patterns, spirit guide communication signs include repeated sightings of the following angel signs: Rainbows Feathers Finding coins Patterns in clouds Sparkles or flashes of light Living tokens (e.g. dragonflies, ladybugs and butterflies).
View the Angel Number Cheat Sheet.