A Guide To Inner Wisdom...Journey To The Center of Your Self
If you were to take an objective look at the world in its current state, the disproportionate pain would be glaringly obvious. There are so many aspects of humanity that deeply require change and healing for the benefit of the collective. Many of those things are beyond your ability to influence and/or control, but not all.
Regardless of external influence, there is always one thing you can change, your relationship with yourself. That is most important anyway. Looking deep within brings us closer to the truth of who we are. In doing so, you can move beyond the limitations of your ego and expectations and into the space of love.
The world around you also begins to transform or at least your perception of it does. Your radiant joy, gratitude, and love begin to emerge.
Getting to know your Higher Self is a loving and powerful way to move closer toward healing and self-realization. Your Higher Self knows everything about you and sees the bigger picture. It knows all of your past lives, your dreams, frustrations, relationships, different personalities, the lessons you are learning, all possible choices, the past, and your potential future.

Your Higher Self can be a wonderful guide. Just imagine the possibility of seeing everything more clearly and feeling the joy and security of knowing that your choices are taking you toward your highest good!
As you face challenges and move through difficulties, many times you may feel lonely, isolated, or misunderstood by others. By getting your Higher Self involved in your daily life, you will be able to feel loved, nurtured, and deeply understood without having to seek external validation. Your Higher Self is always there for you, in a way that another human being is unable to be. It is always ready to give you the support you need. It is always loving, and has your highest good in mind, guiding you ever closer to an unlimited source.Your Higher Self is the voice of your Soul. Creating a "best friend" relationship with your Higher Self can provide immediate and insightful help for the challenges of everyday living. With your Higher Self as a navigator, you can deepen relationships with others through Soul to Soul communication. Previously unsolvable problems and conflicted relationships can be healed and problems resolved. The love connection between Souls transcends all personality differences.
Your Higher Self also sees all growth opportunities, allowing you to utilize your experiences more lovingly and joyfully. This deep, expansive communion with your Self is one of the most powerful and direct ways to access your Soul's ability to help you with all of your choices. The experience is beautiful and profoundly intimate. More intimate than any human relationship. Who could know you better and love you more deeply than the being you came through with to be on this earth?
This intimacy with your Higher Self is what so many are seeking in a "Soul Mate". The innate longing for completion, to be with your other half, the one that was created for you at the beginning of time, the one you were meant to be with forever. That one is your Soul.
Imagine for a moment that you are now able to feel, taste, touch, and know that wondrous union right here, right now. At last, here is the endless love you have been seeking which transcends this human existence. Look deeply into those ancient eyes and see only the truth of love shining back at you and know that this wise one has been with you always. Your heart opens as you feel the trust that comes from true commitment. As your heart opens wider, allow yourself to be embraced by this great being of love and bright light. Feel the strength, beauty, power, and love of this ancient one flow through you. Your own heart knows the truth; you know who this is... your Soul.
How long have you waited to feel like that? The years of separateness drift away as you experience True Love of Self. Find comfort in knowing you have come home at last. You can exhale.
To experience your Self in this way is an amazing gift and a great service to our precious planet. If everyone would learn to turn within and commune with their Self, the change would be amazing. With practice, the heart continues to open, the healing process quickens, life becomes more joyful and the world around you begins to change. Intimacy with your true Self purifies the heart allowing you to experience your true abundant nature. Discovering pure joy and true happiness doesn't have to be difficult. It only takes a willing heart and practice. I wish you well.