January 2023 Energy Forecast
2023 has finally begun! From now until May 2023, all planets are direct.
It's time to stop imagining the world you want to see and start creating it. I don't know about you but I have been anticipating this energetic shift since Halloween. Have you noticed the heavy energy we have been trudging through? We are finally leaving frustration and miscommunication in the past.
All of the work we put into the last few months of 2022 will start to pay off. Mars, the planet of conflict stationed direct in Gemini on January 12th and will be there until March. Mercury's retrograde that began on December 29th will end on January 21st. With the recent retrogrades, it's as if the Universe was emphasizing the need for inner and outer focus on unity and love. However, many others have remained under the exhausting grip of their old ways and still approach the unfamiliar with fear and hostility while focusing on dis-unity.
On January 20th the Sun moves into Aquarius with the new moon in Aquarius the very next day. Happy Lunar New Year! The real Aquarian energy will be felt when Uranus comes out of retrograde on January 22nd. Phew! What a weekend! Get ready for your projects to take off, creativity to increase, your energy to pick up, and your confidence to return. This will art to move a lot faster than they have for the last three (3) years. We can expect more positive changes. The year ahead is going to be exciting, energizing and, full of solutions that affect will humanity as a whole.
Now is the time for our greatest strengths to emerge from our inner recesses as we face our greatest challenge: a transformation and trans-evolution of mankind. Our thought processes will begin to transmute from isolation and

focus on lack toward a gentler awareness of the beauty and unity of all. When you radiate from an abundance mindset, you understand there are plenty of resources, love, relationships, wealth, and opportunities for everyone
Stand tall and take action toward your desires. You will feel the sluggishness start to wear off and your energy and eagerness guiding you forwards. The tricky part of this burst of energy is you can easily fill your time with activities that aren't necessarily helpful. This is the time to use your energy with intention and purpose. Do not get sidetracked. Focus on your goals and take decisive actions toward them. Action is good, but intentional and aligned action is even better!
Make sure you know what your desires are and what small aligned action steps you can start taking right now to lead you forwards on your path. Unsure what action to take? Ask the Universe to provide a sign or message to see where you are being called to move forward.
All great change brings initial resistance and discomfort. This is no exception. From January 24 to 29, we have the chance to move ahead with projects, recover lost ground, and nurture romance, with the sun forming a sextile with Jupiter in Aries on January 24, and an exact trine between the Sun and Mars in Gemini on January 29.

As the collective energy shifts, keep in mind that change is inevitable. This is only the beginning of a year that will be focused on spiritual connection, understanding your soul truths, and standing true in your authentic self. Take the time to fall in love with yourself again, and with humanity as a whole. Although flawed, we all are precious, magnificent, and sacred expressions of the life force that flows through all living things.
Keep the collective in mind, tap into your Aquarian impartiality, and don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and push forward. Get serious about constructing a life that is spiritually fulfilling to you by enacting a real plan.